The liver performs many different, very complex tasks of the metabolism and is one of the major organs in the animal body . An important task of the liver is the storage of sugar (glucose) and in the regulation of blood sugar levels . The liver is also known as the ” hub ” of carbohydrates , fats, protein , iron, copper , vitamins A , B12 + D and hormones . The structure of the body’s own substances is thus one of the main functions of the liver and it controls and regulates metabolism.
But the most important function of the liver is likely to be the body’s detoxification . In addition to the body incurred , useless and harmful substances , these are mainly drugs and environmental toxins . Each city dog is daily exposed, solely by the exhaust gases when going for a walk by many pollutants.
In a liver disease, each of these functions can be disturbed, often several at a time. Disorders may develop acute or slowly over a longer period .
Common causes of liver disease are also feeding errors and stress .
A stressed dog has to reckon with a constantly subliminal liver irritation and is more susceptible to these phases . This helps to create inflammation or degenerative liver damage .
However, the liver has the unique ability to regenerate strong. Even after a critical injury it can replace a large part of the destroyed tissue by newly formed , functional liver cells . Therefore it is recommended to support this regeneration capacity by a liver cure , twice a year , so the liver of the dog may recover .
Your veterinarian can create a liver profile ( blood tests , imaging tests , etc. ) . As a dog , even in liver disease with already dangerous extent feels no pain , the study of a veterinarian is strongly recommended .
Symptoms that indicate a malfunction of the liver :
Languor and dejection
Lack of appetite
Vomiting and diarrhea
Weight loss
Decreased thirst in dogs
Slowed recovery period after anesthesia
An important point of treatment in liver diseases is proper feeding . This additional burden on the metabolism and detoxification of the body are reduced .
Because the composition of liver supporting food is complicated and can not be assured with simple recipes , you should discuss this diet by consulting your veterinarian.
There are also some natural proven helpers from nature , which have a positive effect on the functions of the liver and should be additionally fed while liver cure. Natural ingredients like milk thistle and artichoke protect the liver, promote digestion and stimulate the flow of bile . Specifically, the ingredients silymarin and silybin from milk thistle and artichoke have antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties .
Artichoke : Supports the digestion of fat of the liver
Milk Thistle : Is known for their positive effect especially with problems of the liver metabolism